Prayers for Vocations

Prayer for Ourselves and Our Vocations

In the water of baptism, Lord God,
Your voice called out,
“You are my beloved sons and daughters,
with whom I am well pleased.”

You breathed your Spirit upon us,
and washed us in the saving blood of the Lord.

Open our ears to hear Your Word,
our minds to understand Your call,
our hearts to respond faithfully.

Give us courage to answer,
strength to persevere,
and a willingness to be sent.

We ask this in the name of Jesus the Christ,
in whose blood we have been saved.


Vocation Prayer

Lord God,
In Jesus Christ,
You shared with us the eternal Word!
He took up his cross for our salvation
And invited us to take up the cross and follow him.
He shared the cup of his Precious Blood with his disciples
And shares it with us each time we gather for Eucharist.
Help us to share in his mission,
To proclaim the Good News of our salvation to all the world.
Help us to share in his life as we live out our faith each day.
Give us his Spirit now and always.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen!


Vocation Prayer

O God,
You created me for a purpose,
A specific task for the Church and humanity.
You have always known the work I was cut out for,
A work which only I can do and no other.
If I do not accept this work, it will never be done.
Therefore, I have a job to do.
Make clear to me your will, and I will follow you in whatever task this may be.
I know I can do all things in you, my strength. Amen.

Vocation Prayer

God, our Creator and Redeemer,
by the blood of your Son,
You have brought all people near.
Raise up faithful ministers,
especially Priests, Brothers
and Sisters for your Church;
so that the world may see
the fallen lifted up
the old made new,
and all things brought to perfection
through Him who is their origin,
our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives with you and the Holy Spirit
one God forever and ever.

Missionaries of the Precious Blood