Prayer to Begin a Precious Blood Gathering
O God, creator and sustainer of life, you sent Jesus into our world as a sign of unconditional love.
As Jesus poured out his life for the sake of all, grant us the strength to do the same.
Be with us during this time of gathering.
Empower us with your Spirit of reconciliation and renewal, your Spirit of hope and healing, your spirit of communion and compassion.
Guide us as we open our minds and hearts to you and to one another.
Walk with us on our journey to the many tables of life.
Embrace us with your passionate love.
Remind us of the stories of old, of Abraham and Sara, of Moses and Miriam, of Jesus and Mary, of Gaspar and Maria, of Francis de Sales Brunner and Mother Maria-Anna Brunner, and all the faithful men and women who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith.
Help us remember in whose steps we follow and with whom we minister.
May our lives preach and teach the mysteries of the reign of God.
In Jesus’ name we pray – Amen.