Litany of the Blood of Jesus

Fr. Al Naseman, C.PP.S.

Blood of Jesus, crying out to God from the ground, save us.
Blood of Jesus, poured out in holocaust after holocaust, save us.
Blood of Jesus, shed in assassinations, save us.
Blood of Jesus, victim of the slaughter of war, save us.
Blood of Jesus, spilled by death squads, save us.
Blood of Jesus, flowing forth in persecutions, save us.
Blood of Jesus, shed most profanely in “religious” wars, save us.
Blood of Jesus, staining yet the land of your birth, save us.

Blood of Jesus, running cold in those who fear, save us.
Blood of Jesus, hope in time of terror, save us.
Blood of Jesus, wellspring of justice, save us.
Blood of Jesus, new wine of compassion, save us.
Blood of Jesus, triumphal song of liberation, save us.
Blood of Jesus, reflection of universal love, save us.
Blood of Jesus, solidarity of our world, save us.
Blood of Jesus, the new creation, save us.
Blood of Jesus, wasted in abortions, save us.
Blood of Jesus, insulted in domestic violence, save us.
Blood of Jesus, treated with contempt in executions, save us.
Blood of Jesus, afflicted with leukemia, save us.
Blood of Jesus, inheriting sickle cell anemia, save us.
Blood of Jesus, plagued with HIV and AIDS, save us.
Blood of Jesus, growing weak with age, save us.
Blood of Jesus, poured out on the highways, save us.
Blood of Jesus, springing to new life in mother’s wombs, save us.
Blood of Jesus, pulsing in the bodies of youths, save us.
Blood of Jesus, warming the hearts of lovers, save us.
Blood of Jesus, reverenced by blood donors, save us.
Blood of Jesus, flowing in the veins of every race and people, save us.
Blood of Jesus, bringing us together in baptism, save us.
Blood of Jesus, cleansing us in reconciliation, save us.

Blood of Jesus, nourishing us in the Eucharist, save us.
Blood of Jesus, healing us in anointing, save us.
Blood of Jesus, strengthening us in our vocations, save us.
Blood of Jesus, uniting husbands and wives, save us.
Blood of Jesus, consecrated in celibacy, save us.
Blood of Jesus, banner of our congregations, save us.
Blood of Jesus, bond of community, save us.

Let us pray.

Loving God,
we are truly devoted to the most precious blood of your Son
when we value the life of each person
and consider their blood precious.
We ask you to enable us to do this
through the merits of the blood of Jesus. Amen

Missionaries of the Precious Blood