Precious Blood Prayers
A collection of Precious Blood Prayers
- The Seven Offerings of the Precious Blood YouTube Video
- Canticle of the Blood
- Chaplet of the Precious Blood YouTube Video
- Litany of the Most Precious Blood
- Litany of the Blood of Jesus
- Memorare to Our Lady of the Precious Blood
- Novena of the Precious Blood
- Prayer for an End to Violence
- Prayer for My Enemies
- Prayer for the Society of the Precious Blood
- Prayer to Begin a Precious Blood Gathering
- Prayer to Jesus Crucified
- Prayers to St. Gaspar
- Prayer for Caregivers
- Prayer in Times of Trouble
- A Reconciliation Prayer
- An Act of Contrition/Un Acto de Contrición (Spanish Version)
To learn more about Precious Blood Spirituality, click here.
- Prayers for Vocations
- Vocation Intercessions
- Vocation Prayer/Oración de Vocación (Spanish Version)
- Prayer for Precious Blood Vocations/Oración por Vocaciones a la Preciosa Sangre (Spanish Version)
- Parents’ Vocation Prayer/Oración Vocacional de Padres (Spanish Version)