“You who once were far off have become near by the Blood of Christ” Eph 2: 13
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to God’s people.

From Grumbling to Gratitude
By Fr. Ben Berinti, C.PP.S. Arriving at Brunnerdale High School Seminary at the tender age of 14, I entered a vast ocean of experiences, sometimes the waves throwing me onto the shore, and sometimes dragging me out into the deep. Trying to fight the onset of...

Are We Forgiving Each Other?
By Brother Brian Boyle, C.PP.S. The three readings touch on forgiveness and compassion for one another. I want to focus on the interconnectedness of the human family and the implications of that. The Sirach reading gives practical guidance on forgiving others who have...

What If We Lived Up to Our Words?
By Fr. Ben Berinti, C.PP.S. When you live in and pastor a beachside parish as I do here in Melbourne Beach, Fla., people are constantly coming and going. There are weekend sand and surf warriors, winter residents, accidental tourists and then regular...

11th Annual Knights of Columbus 5K for Vocations
Missionaries are happy to host the annual 5K Run for Vocations at St. Charles Center, Carthagena, Ohio, on Saturday, November 11. For more information or to register. Race day registration will be held from 8:45-9:45 a.m. Thanks to the K of C Council 1991 in Coldwater...

Loving Others Like Jesus Does
By Fr. Matt Keller, C.PP.S. Paul in our scriptures today instructs us “to love one another” (Romans 13: 8). On the surface we like this instruction, this instruction gives us a warm fuzzy feeling inside, and many easily jump on board to follow this instruction without...