Matt offertory
Deacon Matthew Keller, C.PP.S., and Fr. Gene Schnipke, C.PP.S., accept the gifts at offertory.
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Deacon Matt Keller during his first Mass.
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Deacon Matthew Keller, C.PP.S., with the Knights of St. John. They supported him through his vocation journey, he said, and he serves as their spiritual advisor.
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Deacon Matthew Keller, C.PP.S., with the Knights of St. John. They supported him through his vocation journey, he said, and he serves as their spiritual advisor.
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Deacon Matthew Keller, C.PP.S., talks with his Great-Aunt Rita Keller after Mass at St. John the Baptist.
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Deacon Matthew Keller, C.PP.S., with St. John’s former pastor, left, Fr. Ken Schroeder, C.PP.S., and current pastor, Fr. Gene Schnipke, C.PP.S.
Matthew Keller, Bishop Charron, James Smith, Larry Hemmelgarn
From left, Missionaries of the Precious Blood Deacon Matthew Keller, Bishop Joseph Charron, Fr. Jim Smith and Fr. Larry J Hemmelgarn, provincial director.
Missionaries of the precious Blood on steps
Missionaries of the Precious Blood and others after the Mass.
James Smith, C.PP.S., about to be ordained a priest, pledges obedience to the Church during the ordination rite.
Matthew Keller’s mother, Carol, and Fr. Ken Schroeder, C.PP.S., place the deacon’s stole on Matt as his family members look on.
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Newly ordained Fr. Matthew Keller, C.PP.S., after the ordination Mass.
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Missionaries of the Precious Blood and others after the Mass.
Before the ordination Mass, Fr. Angelo Anthony, C.PP.S., right, pins a boutonniere on Matthew Keller, C.PP.S.
A lector during the ordination Mass.
Deacon Mike Leo with C.PP.S. candidate Matt Perez, as Deacon Leo is about to proclaim the Gospel.
Matthew Keller, C.PP.S., is called forth and presented to the bishop.
The people express their approval of Matthew Keller’s ordination to the priesthood with their applause.
Matthew Keller declares his intentions before the bishop to serve as a priest.
Matthew Keller promises obedience to the bishop and his religious superiors.
Matthew Keller lays prostrate during the litany of the saints.
The bishop lays his hands on Matthew Keller.
Fr. Larry J Hemmelgarn, C.PP.S., provincial director, lays hands on Matthew Keller.
Fr. Bill Nordenbrock, C.PP.S., moderator general of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood worldwide, lays hands on Matthew Keller.
Fr. Ken Schroeder, C.PP.S., Matt’s former pastor, lays hands on him as he is ordained.
Fr. Jim Dugal, C.PP.S., lays hands on Matthew Keller.
Fr. Antonio Baus, C.PP.S., lays hands on Matthew Keller.
Fr. Angelo Anthony, C.PP.S., lays hands on Matthew Keller.
Fr. Alfons Mopia Minja, C.PP.S., lays hands on Matthew Keller.
The bishop and the Missionaries pray over Matt.
Matt’s vestments are presented to him by his family and Fr. Ken Schroeder.
Matt’s mom, Carol, helps put Matt’s vestments on him while his dad, Paul, and brothers look on.
Fr. Matt embraces his mom, Carol, as his father, Paul, and brothers look on.
Fr. Matt embraces his brothers.
Fr. Matthew Keller stands before the congregation.
Fr. Matthew Keller offers first blessings in Assumption Chapel at St. Charles.
Missionaries of the Precious Blood and others after the Mass.
Fr. Matthew Keller offers first blessings in Assumption Chapel at St. Charles.
Fr. Matthew Keller offers first blessings in Assumption Chapel at St. Charles.
Fr. Matthew Keller offers a first blessing to Fr. Paul Wohlwend, C.PP.S.
Fr. Matthew Keller visits with Fr. Tom Beischel, C.PP.S., after the ordination luncheon.
Fr. Matthew Keller; Br. Theophane Woodalll, C.PP.S.; and Br. Paul Chase, C.PP.S.
Br. Paul Chase with Fr. Matthew Keller and his brothers. Br. Paul first hired Matt to work at St. Charles when Matt was 17. His brothers have worked there too.
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Newly ordained Fr. Matthew Keller, C.PP.S., after the ordination Mass.
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After the ordination Mass, newly ordained Fr. Matthew Keller gives a blessing to Bishop Joseph Charron, C.PP.S., who ordained Fr. Matt.
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Missionaries of the Precious Blood and others after the Mass.
Before the ordination Mass, Fr. Angelo Anthony, C.PP.S., right, pins a boutonniere on Matthew Keller, C.PP.S.
Before the ordination Mass, Fr. Angelo Anthony, C.PP.S., right, pins a boutonniere on Matt’s brother, Scott.
Fr. Steve Dos Santos, C.PP.S., administers the oath of fidelity to Fr. Matthew Keller, C.PP.S., before Mass. Fr. Angelo Anthony, C.PP.S., and Pope Francis look on.
Josh Keller, Fr Matt’s brother, escorts his grandmother, Mary Alice Ahrns, to her seat before Mass.
Musicians in the choir loft at St. John the Baptist prepare before Mass.
Sisters of the Precious Blood, front row, and Sister Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC), back row, before Mass.
Servers (from Emmanuel Parish in Dayton) before Mass.
Knights of St. John ready for Mass, in front of the church.
The church is filled with Fr. Matt’s family, friends and parishioners.
Missionaries of the Precious Blood ready to take their place in the procession before Mass.
Missionaries of the Precious Blood ready to take their place in the procession before Mass.