Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation
The Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation operates out of a center in an old school on Chicago’s south side. There, the Missionaries of the Precious Blood minister in the Back of the Yards neighborhood and beyond. They offer a place of safety to neighborhood youth and families; operate work and study programs; take a stand against the senseless violence that ruins so many lives; and reach out to the lonely and forsaken through their prison ministry.
Missionaries minister at the center with Sisters of the Precious Blood and lay staff members. Together, they offer the people they serve a respite from the cruel realities that many face.
The director of the PBMR, Fr. David Kelly, writes,
I believe that good can come out of us when we wrestle with disappointment and suffering; I do not believe that there is good that comes out of tragedy, but that the good comes out of us in spite of the tragedy. I do believe that we can come out of all this a stronger people, but not because of the tragedy, but because of our relationship with a God who is so very present in the suffering-which includes our relationships with one another.