As spring approaches, our Missionaries at the Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Bellevue, Ohio, are preparing for a busy pilgrimage season.

Fr. Scott Kramer, C.PP.S., shrine director, recently released the following schedule of special pilgrimages and events at the shrine. He reminds everyone that the shrine is also open every day for private prayer and meditation; for school, parish and other groups; and that Mass is celebrated daily and confession offered there regularly.

April 28: Divine Mercy Sunday Masses, procession and devotions

May 5: May Crowning Mass and devotions

June 9: Healing Mass, Ephphata Sunday

July 1: Solemnity of the Precious Blood

July 1: Chaldean Day

July 7: African American Sunday

July 28: C.PP.S. Companions Sunday

August 4: Philippine Sunday

August 18: Hispanic Sunday

August 25: Slovenian Sunday

September 8: Italian Sunday

September 15: Sorrowful Mother Sunday

September 15: Polish Sunday

September 29: St. Peregrine cancer service

October 6: Knights of Columbus Sunday

October 6: Rosary for Life Sunday

October 21: Solemnity of St. Gaspar/175 anniversary of arrival of the C.PP.S. in Ohio

For more information, visit

Missionaries of the Precious Blood