Brother Terry Nufer, C.PP.S., is in ministry at our Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Bellevue, Ohio, where he is the director of music ministry.
Earning a master’s degree in music from Notre Dame helped Brother Terry become a better church musician, he said. “It made me a much better music minister because I understand how the music fits into the liturgy, and what it’s supposed to do at any given time. As a minister, I can make the music do what it’s supposed to do, to fulfill its ministerial purpose.”
Music informs his life as a brother, and being a religious brother informs his music. “The first thing about being a brother is that a brother is a man of prayer,” he said. “The life of a brother is about service to other people but it’s the connection to God that inspires, that motivates, that is a constant encouragement and support. God says to us, ‘You did not choose me; I chose you, to go forth and bear fruit.’ As far as I am able to tell, this is what God wants of me, and it’s always been that way.”