Born: Wapakoneta, Ohio

Joined the Missionaries:
1946 – started as a freshman at Brunnerdale Seminary in Canton.
1959 – ordained

What drew you to the Missionaries of the Precious Blood?
Prayerful, good example of my C.PP.S. pastor, Fr. Bernard Condon.

What is your current assignment?
Retired to St. Charles Center.

What did you do before joining the Missionaries?
Lived on the farm and attended public grade school. 11 children (siblings) were born before I went to the seminary. Two more children were born after I went.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Visiting historic places and museums. I love history!

Aside from St. Gaspar, what are some of your favorite Saints?
St. Francis of Assisi, St. John Vianney, St Francis Xavier, St John Paul II, Blessed Mother Teresa, St. Padre Pio. And – Mary & Joseph!

What is your favorite prayer?
Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit . . .

What is your favorite:
Book: the Bible – always new and fascinating!
Food:  Angel food cake
MovieThe Ten Commandments
Holiday: Christmas
TV Show: Bill O’Reilly – Fox News – The Factor

Would you rather go skydiving or snorkeling?

Missionaries of the Precious Blood