Another Christmas is here, another celebration of love’s pure light. The story never gets old of the poor couple, neglected by the world, who brought forth and nurtured the savior of the world. To those of us who believe, it is not just a story. It is a promise fulfilled. It is a roadmap to our better selves. It is our family history, our present and our future.
At Christmas, we can plug into that glorious light. We can sing along with the angel choir. We can be the shepherds, among the first to see him. All we have to do is gather round, open our eyes, and see the love that is presented to us.
My wish and hope for all of us this Christmas is that we really feel the warmth of God’s embrace, and that we also draw others—those who are lonely or sick or suffering—into the light. Let’s take them with us as we draw near to the Prince of Peace. Let’s feel the peace, absorb the peace and share the peace. In that way we can be a part of him who brings joy to the world.