In this busy time of preparation for Thanksgiving, and for the season ahead, one overbooked C.PP.S. member recently told us he’s been working on striking the word “busy” from his conversation. Because he feels he is often unsuccessful, he asked to share his story but not his name, because it’s a challenge that may be faced by many of us.
“I am plenty busy, often too busy. But I don’t know anyone who enjoys being rushed, limited or cut short by someone who doesn’t have the time to spare for them. The people to whom I minister as well as my family members and friends all deserve my full attention.
“That’s why I’ve been making a conscious effort to edit the ‘busy-ness’ out of my daily language. When we talk constantly to others about how busy we are, we send them the message that they’d better not clutter up our day with their own concerns and feelings. We are shutting a door to them that should be open.
“So if someone wants to gift me with their thoughts, their joys or worries, I hope I will be open to them, no matter how much I have on my calendar. I also want to continue striving for a more healthy balance between prayer, work and relaxation that expresses joy in ministry. I can’t be in two places at once, but I can be fully in one place, wherever God has put me, and with the people that God wants me to be with.”