Dear Friends,

“The Traveller” is a short story by Richard Matheson that tells of Paul Jairus, a scientist and skeptic who travels back in time to Calvary on the day of the crucifixion. Jairus expects that the scene will not be anything like what is described in the Scriptures. To his surprise, it is exactly as it is described and even more powerfully so, and he is visibly shaken by the experience. He is drawn in by Jesus and the love that emanates from him in a way that he has never previously experienced. He wants to get closer.

The love and sacrifice of the Christ continues to draw us in today – we see it most noticeably in the catechumens, now neophytes. We experienced it ourselves as we celebrated the Holy Week liturgies. Even though we cannot literally go back in time, we still want to get closer to Jesus.

Jesus’ journey through his earthly life was often about drawing people near, making them part of the faith family – the mission. They found inspiration through his irresistible presence. We are not as irresistible as Jesus, but we try to be the best version of ourselves. In that way, we join in the mission of spreading the Gospel message, proclaiming the saving power of the Blood of Christ.

On this Easter day, we bask in the bright light cast by the resurrected Christ. May his light, love and selfless sacrifice bring us joy, and may that joy be apparent in our faces as we witness to the reality that Jesus is our Savior. He is risen!

Yours, in the Blood of Christ,
V. Rev. Larry J. Hemmelgarn, C.PP.S.
Provincial Director

Missionaries of the Precious Blood