My sheep hear my voice. I know them and they follow me. (John 10: 27)
Two thousand years later, I wonder if Jesus says the same thing about us with the same confidence. He still loves us with the same deep love he had for his sheep so long ago. But do we follow so well? So many of our values—faith, family, freedom, care for creation—are questioned or denied almost daily.
A few years ago a favorite motto was WWJD: what would Jesus do? Children, teenagers and adults alike wore WWJD jewelry and shirts to remind them to renew the motto often, live it daily, and encourage others to join us in making the world a better place to live. A good example for all of us to follow is Pope Francis, whose daily memo gives us much to think about and practice.
Let us each make a daily conscious effort to create a more positive world by strengthening family practices, living and sharing our faith, seeking to make freedom ring again in our land and throughout the world, and making the sacrifices needed to recreate our universe for the betterment of all peoples and creatures.
Sr. Marcella Parrish, SSMO