Deacon Matthew Keller, C.PP.S., will be ordained to the priesthood on June 9. In preparation for his ordination, he asks that we join him in praying the Novena of the Precious Blood written by the late Fr. Ernest Ranly, C.PP.S.


Day eight: Jesus Sheds Blood in the Piercing of his Sacred Heart


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen


Opening Prayer

O God, our heavenly Father, out of love for the human family, you willed your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to be our Redeemer through the shedding of his blood.

Blessing and thanksgiving be evermore to Jesus.

Who with his blood has saved us.

We give you thanks for the gift of our Lord’s blood, which he shed until the last drop for our salvation. May the blood of Jesus, shed for us, purify us and protect us from all evil.

In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we drink the blood of the new and eternal covenant. May it give us peace and may it unite us with all the human family, especially with the poor and the marginalized.

May the Precious Blood of Jesus become for us the blood of life, of unity and of peace. May this mystery of love and grace fill our hearts with the Holy Spirit. United with the Blood of Christ, may we participate with Christ in the work of redeeming our world of today.

Praise to the blood of Jesus.

Now and forever. Amen.



“Now since it was preparation day, in order that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the Sabbath, for the Sabbath day of that week was a solemn one, the Jews asked Pilate that their legs be broken and they be taken down. So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and then of the other one who was crucified with Jesus. But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs, but one soldier thrust his lance into his side, and immediately blood and water flowed out.” (John 19: 31-34)



Jesus, through his many sufferings and tortures, has commended his Spirit to God the Father. The lance that the Roman soldier thrust into his side, was simply a gesture to say, “All is finished.”  Blood and water flowed. Jesus had shed his last drop of blood. It was exclusively the motive of love that brought Jesus to sacrifice himself and to shed his blood until the last drop for the salvation of the world.

The Fathers of the Church have seen in the water and the blood, that flowed from the side of Jesus, the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist. Even more, what came from the side of Jesus is confirmation of the blood of the new and eternal covenant. From the side of Jesus came the profound mystery of the very church itself.



“Though he was in the form of God, he did not deem equality with God something to be grasped at. Rather, he emptied himself and took the form of a slave, being born in the likeness of men. He was known to be of human estate, and it was thus that he humbled himself, obediently accepting even death, death on a cross.” (Philippians 2:6-8)


  • To open our heart to the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
  • To renew our baptismal promises.
  • To deepen our participation in the Eucharist.


Final prayer

Eternal Father, we offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the piercing of the Sacred Heart of your Son. Open our hearts to share his life and continue to bless us with his love. Help us renew and live our baptismal promises. Father of mercy, sanctify your church. May the opening of the heart of your Son be an invitation to all the peoples of the world to live in harmony, peace, and love. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Our Father…..

Glory to the Father…..

V: Praise and thanksgiving be evermore to Jesus.

R: Who with his blood has saved us.

V: Glory to the Blood of Jesus!

R: Now and forever. Amen.

Missionaries of the Precious Blood