From left, candidates Efren Leyton Molina, Oscar Quiroz Naranjo, Edwin Alberto Mayor, Nairo Idrobo Jacanamejoy, Jhon Jairo Leon Cubillos.
Five C.PP.S. candidates were temporarily incorporated into the Missionaries of the Precious Blood on Saturday, July 14 in Bogotá, Colombia.
This step in their religious formation comes after a year of special formation in Brazil. Now in advanced formation, they will study theology at the Pontifical University Javeriana (St. Xavier) in Bogotá.
The candidates are Efren Leyton Molino, C.PP.S.; Oscar Quiroz Naranjo, C.PP.S.; Edwin Alberto Mayor, C.PP.S.; Nairo Idrobo Jacanamejoy, C.PP.S.; and Jhon Jairo Leon Cubillos, C.PP.S. Efren, Oscar and Jhon are in their second year of theological studies; Edwin and Nairo are in their first year.
The director of the C.PP.S. mission ad experimentum in Colombia, Fr. Joseph Deardorff, C.PP.S., accepted their commitment on behalf of the Congregation. It took place during a Mass at Nuestra Señora de los Alpes (Our Lady of the Alps) Parish in Bogotá, where Missionaries are in ministry.