A Thanksgiving message from our Provincial Director Fr. Jeffrey Kirch, C.PP.S.

This is the time of the year when we may make lists of all the things we are thankful for. I recently glanced at a thankfulness blog where the writer’s list of things that make her thankful had reached 600 items! Now that’s a lot of thankfulness.

When we write our list we probably include friends and family, people who have help us out or support us throughout the year. But if we turn that around, do we ever think that maybe we show up on some thankfulness lists? Through our intentional care for others, we may end up on such lists, and what an honor that would be.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, it’s important to offer thanks to God and to our brothers and sisters for all the ways that they shine light in our lives. But let’s also think about ways in which we can reach out to others, lighten their burden and straighten their way. If we can live in such a way that we can be the cause of someone else’s thankfulness, we will be doubly blessed on this Thanksgiving and always.


Missionaries of the Precious Blood