The Missionaries of the Precious Blood (C.PP.S.) are pleased to announce the 60th anniversary of the ordination of Fr. William Hoyng, C.PP.S.

Fr. Hoyng, 86, a native of Coldwater, Ohio, was ordained on June 10, 1961, at St. Charles Seminary in Carthagena, Ohio.

Fr. Hoyng served as a teacher and pastor during his life as a priest. After his ordination, he taught at the Academy of Our Lady in Chicago, then at Brunnerdale, the Congregation’s high school seminary near Canton, Ohio. He worked in vocation ministry from 1972-74.

In 1974, Fr. Hoyng was named pastor of St. Anthony Church in Detroit, where he served until 1980, when he became pastor of Holy Name Church in Cincinnati. In 1991, he became pastor of St. Patrick in Sedalia, Mo. In 1992, he was appointed pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Celina, Ohio.

Fr. Hoyng then served as pastor of a cluster of parishes around Bellevue, Ohio, from 1996-99, when he was named pastor of Precious Blood Church in Fort Wayne. He served for a year as temporary administrator of St. Augustine Church, Minster, from 2000–01, before his retirement to St. Charles Center, where he makes his home.

“Our jubilarians demonstrate for us what lives of faith and service look like,” said Fr. Jeffrey Kirch, C.PP.S., provincial director of the Cincinnati Province. “We are happy to honor them for their many years of ministry to God’s people, and celebrate the example they set for us as Missionaries of the Precious Blood.”


Missionaries of the Precious Blood