By Fr. Dennis Chriszt, C.PP.S.


Who do you say that I am?


It’s a simple question,

but sometimes it is a question even I can’t answer

about myself.

Sometimes, hearing what others have to say about me

helps me to understand myself better.


That doesn’t seem to be the case with Jesus.

He seems to know exactly who he is.

He is the one who must suffer greatly and be rejected

by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes,

and be killed, and rise after three days.


Even Peter, who at first glance

seems to know that Jesus is the Christ,

doesn’t really understand


Those to whom James writes in today’s second reading

Don’t seem to understand either.

They seem to think that knowing that Jesus is the Christ

is enough.

Believing is all it takes to be saved.

Yet salvation does not depend on our beliefs.

It is more complicated than that.

Our beliefs need to be put into action.

But even that is not enough.


Our salvation doesn’t depend on our beliefs or our actions.

Salvation depends on the one who suffered greatly and was rejected

by the elders, the chief priests and the scribes,

who was killed and rose after three days.


He was the one whose ears were opened by God,

the one did not rebel, did not turn back,

who gave his back to those who beat him,

He is the one who always knew who he was.

He always knew that God was his help,

no matter what else happened in his life.


He always trusted in the One who sent him,

and he wants us to trust him just as much

no matter what is happening in our lives.

He wants us to believe,

to put our beliefs into action,

and to always remember both who He is,

and who He calls us to be.


In the midst of all the world’s problems,

Jesus Christ calls us to do our part

to build up the kingdom,

to never try to get in front of the Lord,

and to always remember that God is our help.


To view the full scripture reading, click here.




Fr. Dennis Chriszt, C.PP.S., is the director of advanced formation for the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. He also directs Precious Blood Parish Missions (

Missionaries of the Precious Blood