An Easter message from our provincial director, Fr. Jeffrey Kirch, C.PP.S.

What a mighty battle has been fought while we were sleeping. Jesus passed through the gates of death on behalf of all of us and together with St. Paul we ask, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (I Cor 15: 55). On Easter, we wake up to a new world, and no one is left behind. The resurrection is offered to all. Today we celebrate that sense of liberation, that the sins and the trials of life that trip us up, don’t have to tie us up. Jesus cuts through all that for us and sets us free. We are rescued and redeemed through his Precious Blood. We give thanks to the God who loved us enough to show us the way out of darkness into his own wonderful light. Let us live in the light, so that all who need the light in their lives can see it shining through us.


Missionaries of the Precious Blood