Born: Dayton, Ohio

Joined the Missionaries: 1961

What drew you to the Missionaries of the Precious Blood?
I was familiar with Brunnerdale (C.PP.S. high school seminary) and had a cousin I thought was cool and fun who was a C.PP.S. priest, so I gave it a try out of the 8th grade.

What is your current assignment?
I’m in Chicago at our Precious Blood Center for Reconciliation where I am a mentor to several youth who are or have been in juvenile detention, and I often go to court with them and their family and offer hospitality and care for whoever shows up at our center on the south side.

What is the most challenging aspect of your assignment?
Not giving up but continuing to be where I think God has placed me – often in the middle of some difficult and challenging situations. We know too many youth who have been shot or lost their lives in the streets and whose families suffer their loss. Our spirituality sustains us.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your assignment?
Youth who survive the poverty and dangers of the streets – especially the occasional success of one or the other entering college or graduating from high school (even though our neighborhood high schools offer inadequate education). Times when the youth can be free enough to enjoy being youth without having to “watch their backs” or times when youth tell others how our PB Center has helped them.

What did you do before joining the Missionaries?
Growing up with an older sister and brother and a younger sister and two loving parents, I entered Brunnerdale high school seminary out of the 8th grade.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Bike riding, jogging, playing with Francis (my dog), listening to music, reading … but there really isn’t much spare time in my life. 🙂

Aside from St. Gaspar, who are some of your favorite Saints?
St. Francis of Assisi – and you’re right Gaspar del Bufalo is my favorite especially because of his work with the “banditi” (outlaws of his day) which encourages and helps sustain me in my youth detention and jail ministry.

What is your favorite prayer?
Gee, let me think. The “Hail, Mary” kicks into gear in stressful moments; I like the Lord’s prayer and a variety of prayers in our C.PP.S. prayerbook.

What is your favorite:
Book: usually what I am currently reading … so right now it’s Redeeming a Prison Society
Food: lots! … burritos, stir-fry, pizza, cabbage rolls and beer.
MovieShawshank Redemption
Holiday: Christmas
TV ShowBlue Bloods

How much money would you earn on Jeopardy?
… not much … I’m an introvert who has to take time to think – sometimes till the next day!

Would you rather go skydiving or snorkeling?
I have already snorkeled, and skydiving is on my bucket list.

Missionaries of the Precious Blood