Born: Superior Wis.                      

Joined the Missionaries:  Entered Brunnerdale High School Seminary 1949; First Profession August 15, 1955; Definitive Incorporation August 15, 1958. 

What drew you to the Missionaries of the Precious Blood? I wanted to be a fireman, a carpenter and a priest.  I did not know the difference between a diocesan priest and a religious order priest.  I never met a Precious Blood priest, but knew my neighbor was at Brunnerdale.  I went there just because I knew someone.  It had nothing to do with the Order or Precious Blood spirituality.

What is your current assignment?  I am retired, living in my home town and helping with ministry in a five-parish cluster.

What is the most challenging aspect of your assignment?

Time – too much of it

What is the most rewarding aspect of your assignment?

Time – to help local parishes

What did you do before joining the Missionaries?

Grade School, delivered the local evening paper – one year at Cathedral High School

Aside from St. Gaspar, what are some of your favorite Saints?

Blessed Solanus Casey – he lived and worked in Superior

St. Teresa of Avila – very down to earth mystic

What is your favorite prayer?

Our Father

And then a small personal prayer that I translated from one used by Teilhard de Chardin – My translation might not be correct, but I like my version of the prayers:  “Jesus, be the world for me today.  And let the world become more you through me.  But let me become more you through the world.”

What is your favorite:
Book: The Bible
Food: Chocolate
Movie: Sound of Music
Holiday: 4th of July
TV ShowJeopardy

How much could you earn on Jeopardy? 


Would you rather go skydiving or snorkeling? 

Snorkeling  (not scuba diving).

Missionaries of the Precious Blood