Fr. George “Yuri” Kuzara, C.PP.S., has biritual faculties for the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. He serves as pastor of St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in Mishawaka, Ind. He offers this fascinating look at the way the liturgical season leading up to Easter is...
Are you or is someone you know discerning a call to religious life as a priest or brother? The Missionaries of the Precious Blood invite men age 18 or older to a Lenten Discernment Retreat on March 16-18 at the C.PP.S. House of Formation in Chicago. The retreat, which...
Fr. Harry Brown, C.PP.S., is up and walking and determined to get back to his ministry at the Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Bellevue, Ohio. Fr. Brown, who fell in his apartment at the shrine on December 14, had surgery to repair a broken femur and has since been...
Fr. Alfons Minja, C.PP.S., is a musician as well as a priest. The music wells up inside of him sometimes, and he can’t resist tapping along with the singing on the lectern at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Montezuma, Ohio, where he is the pastor. His parishioners...
Ordained on July 8, 2017, Fr. Jim Smith, C.PP.S., offers thoughts on the first six months of his new ministry. What has been your biggest challenge since ordination? The biggest challenge for me since ordination has been related to the transition from folks asking...