Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over. (Luke 24: 29) What I would like to discuss is the passage that points to Jesus walking with his two disciples. “As they approached the village to which they were going, Emmaus, Jesus gave the...
They have taken my Lord away… (John 20: 13) During the last few years several women have come to me disoriented and grieving after the violent death of a son or husband. Sometimes they express their desire to dream about their loved one. Sometimes they maintain the...
Jesus has been raised from the dead! Do not be afraid! Go tell my people… they will see me. (Matthew 28: 7-10) Easter is a day of jubilation! A day when hope amidst sadness, doubt and confusion turns into true reality! “Jesus is not dead, but alive!” What joy Mary...
We are witnesses of all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. (Acts 10: 39) In some churches this Easter morning, we can be sure that the preacher will ask: “Can I get a witness?’’ They will be imitating St. Peter’s discourse to Cornelius and...