Then Barnabas took charge of him and brought him to the apostles. (Acts 9:27) By Fr. Steve Dos Santos, C.PP.S. I was born and raised in St. Barnabas Parish in Alameda, Calif. When I was a kid, it was always exciting when Barnabas’ name would begin to show up in...
Have in you the same attitude that is also in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 2: 5) By Fr. Steve Dos Santos, C.PP.S. “I’ll have the wings, they are my favorite piece,” my mother would say as we were cutting up the chicken for dinner. As a child I never thought much of...
Your Church, imbued with the Holy Spirit, basks in the glory of this mystery of love. (Preface, Solemnity of the Most Precious Blood) By Fr. Steve Dos Santos, C.PP.S. The starting point of the spiritual life, particularly for Precious Blood people...
By Fr. Steve Dos Santos, C.PP.S. Many of our parishes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati regularly pray the vocations prayer written by Archbishop Dennis Schnurr. Other parishes have a group that regularly prays the rosary for “an increase in vocations.” Some...
Every Missionary of the Precious Blood, every Companion, every parishioner, and every member of the Body of Christ needs to do his or her part to raise up vocations. I often talk about how we need to pray for vocations, and how we need to invite and encourage. We also...