By Fr. Matt Keller, C.PP.S. What is a disciple? One definition of a disciple is a person who follows Jesus. And you know I will not disagree with this definition. A disciple is someone who follows Jesus. While I do not disagree with the definition, sometimes I think...
In the Green Lantern comic books, the superhero utilizes a power ring that can make light manifest into anything the hero’s willpower desires; for example, if the hero thinks of a giant boxing glove to hit his opponent, it happens. When the hero dies, the ring...
A few years ago, in my continued quest to fill book shelves (and my Kindle) with books I want to read but won’t get to, I stumbled across another great bargain of a book for 99 cents that came with a twist)–a music album to download to accompany the book, which...
Every November, as the liturgical year winds down and we head towards the Feast of Christ the King (on November 24 this year), the Sunday scripture readings begin to speak about the end times. But the focus of these readings is not really about the end of the world...
The Gospel today, as always, presents us with a challenge. The challenge begins in the first reading from Wisdom, “For who can learn the counsel of God? Or who can discern what the Lord wills?” (9:13) We have often heard it said that God’s ways are not our ways. We...