Called to Self-Emptying Love

Called to Self-Emptying Love

Have in you the same attitude that is also in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 2: 5) By Fr. Steve Dos Santos, C.PP.S. “I’ll have the wings, they are my favorite piece,” my mother would say as we were cutting up the chicken for dinner. As a child I never thought much of...
Comfortably on the “Good” Side

Comfortably on the “Good” Side

By Brother Matthew Schaefer, C.PP.S. How many times have we heard people who quit going to church talk about the hypocrisy of Christians? It has become almost a cliché. Yet it is an accusation that is hard to dispute. At Mass we faithfully admit our sinfulness; then...
Comfortably on the “Good” Side

There’s a Time for Confrontation

By Fr. Matt Keller, C.PP.S.  First off, I must admit I am a human being and part of my humanity is that I am subject to making mistakes. I also have problems from time-to-time. Not only am I subject to making mistakes and having problems, but sometimes I am blind to...
No Transaction is Necessary

No Transaction is Necessary

By Fr. Bill Nordenbrock, C.PP.S. Our scripture readings today seek to focus our hearts and minds on the relationship of God with humanity and what it means for us to live faithfully in the covenant that God has given to us. In Isaiah we hear of the first covenant...
Living with the Weeds

Living with the Weeds

By Brother Brian Boyle, C.PP.S. Have you ever started a project like planting a garden or even a whole crop? Or you might have installed a roof on your house? Or even something academic? A paper, a thesis or a dissertation? “Boy,” you think, “I’m doing a real bang-up...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood