By Fr. Tim McFarland, C.PP.S. Today is traditionally regarded as the birthday of the Church, when the Holy Spirit descended upon those gathered in the upper room. Today is also when some churches once again open doors for the public celebrations of the liturgy (albeit...
By Fr. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S. In the Diocese of Toledo we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord today. We see Jesus ascending up into heaven in the presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary and his apostles. Jesus was lifted up and a cloud took him from their sight. In today’s...
By Fr. Bill Nordenbrock, C.PP.S. The image of the Good Shepherd is popular and comforting. All of us can readily envision the picture of a kindly shepherd who is carrying the cute and cuddly lamb on his shoulders. Remembering and believing in a God who constantly...
By Fr. Jim Smith, C.PP.S. “So, what did you see on vacation?” I have a tendency to veer towards live theater, especially with deep discounts. Recapping what I saw on vacation months ago, I mentioned that two of the shows really were technically one show, spread over...
By Brother Matt Schaefer, C.PP.S. An unfortunate result of having regular and familiar Gospel readings at Mass is the tendency to take the obvious or surface meaning of the reading and go no further in our thoughts. Sometimes the meaning of a reading is quite clear...