By Brother Matthew Schaefer, C.PP.S. Only two weeks ago, the United States Province of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood was created at our assembly in Indianapolis. Over the last few years, our thoughts, prayers and hopes have been focused on this “new...
In one sense, all Missionaries of the Precious Blood, just by the nature of their charism, are missionaries of mercy. But in 2016, Pope Francis opened the door to priests becoming a Missionary of Mercy, taking on a special role in the Church. And now, that opportunity...
By Fr. Angelo Anthony, C.PP.S. One of my favorite stories from author and theologian Henri Nouwen has to do with a conversation he had with one of the famous flying Rodleighs, trapeze artists who perform in the German circus. Rodleigh was the flyer in the act, and he...
The newly formed Precious Blood Spirituality Institute (PBSI) has a lot to offer to people of faith, says its newly appointed executive director, Vicky Otto. One of the most valuable might be creating a space where people can meet each other in a place where all are...
By Fr. Tim McFarland, C.PP.S. Years ago, an advertising campaign used the phrase “you are what you eat.” That came to mind today on this Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. In fact, some suggest that this phrase has its origins in early popular Catholic thought...