Sunday Reflections from the C.PP.S.

C.PP.S. Members share their reflections on Sunday readings

No Power Ring, But God’s Grace

No Power Ring, But God’s Grace

In the Green Lantern comic books, the superhero utilizes a power ring that can make light manifest into anything the hero's willpower desires; for example, if the hero thinks of a giant boxing glove to hit his opponent, it happens. When the hero dies, the ring is...

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The Waters that Drown Us, Save Us

The Waters that Drown Us, Save Us

A few years ago, in my continued quest to fill book shelves (and my Kindle) with books I want to read but won’t get to, I stumbled across another great bargain of a book for 99 cents that came with a twist)--a music album to download to accompany the book, which...

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Do Him Homage

Do Him Homage

Go and search diligently for the child. When you have found him, bring me word, that I too may go and do him homage. (Matthew 2:8) Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, and the birthday of St. Gaspar del Bufalo our founder. Technically his birthday is...

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Sharing Our Image of Jesus

Sharing Our Image of Jesus

“And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” Any woman who has had a baby can identify with these words and actions of Mary. Another translation uses the words “treasured” and “pondered in her heart.” When I was in grade school I often heard a...

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A Gift Given to Us

A Gift Given to Us

Typically, when we celebrate something at Church, an explanation is needed to help understand what we are celebrating. Christmas, however, is one of those celebrations that needs little explanation. The majority know but do not necessarily understand what they are...

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Following God’s Plan

Following God’s Plan

A word that grabs my attention from today’s gospel is “behold.”  In scripture, the word “behold” is another way of saying, be attentive, observe fully whatever is before you, for God is doing something important. In a dream, the angel of the Lord breaks into Joseph’s...

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Sometimes God Surprises Us

Sometimes God Surprises Us

Today, the third Sunday of Advent, is known as Gaudete Sunday. We are getting closer to the celebration of Christ’s birth at Christmas. The first reading from Isaiah gives rise to the sentiment of joy. He tells us, “The desert and the parched land will exult; the...

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Prepare the Way of the Lord

Prepare the Way of the Lord

“Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” “Prepare the way of the Lord.” Those are the admonitions for Advent from St. John the Baptist. These are a true wake-up call to make a good confession during Advent, especially for the people who have not confessed for...

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Sit Up and Take Notice

Sit Up and Take Notice

Today we begin the first Sunday of Advent. There are two themes that keep being repeated during this season: we need to be ready for Jesus’ return or our own death. Both are going to happen but we do not know when. Is Jesus mean because he does not give us a heads-up...

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What Kind of a King?

What Kind of a King?

What kind of king hangs on a cross? What kind of king is crowned with thorns? What kind of king is rejected, betrayed, denied? What kind of king indeed?   David had led the Israelites out and brought them back victorious! David had been anointed by the prophet...

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When the End Becomes a Beginning

When the End Becomes a Beginning

Every November, as the liturgical year winds down and we head towards the Feast of Christ the King (on November 24 this year), the Sunday scripture readings begin to speak about the end times. But the focus of these readings is not really about the end of the world...

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Speak your Truth

Speak your Truth

In today’s readings, we hear stories of people standing in front of the authorities of their day, and having to speak their truths no matter what the cost. The family in Maccabees spoke their truth and were tortured for it. They showed unflinching bravery in the face...

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God Will Never Scrap Us

God Will Never Scrap Us

Were you ever part of a team at the parish, school, hospital or any ministry site or function that made a big new bold pastoral plan? You spend weeks, months making this plan. Then comes the grand roll-out for the plan. The plan makes a good run for a few months or...

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“Who Is Your Favorite?”

“Who Is Your Favorite?”

My mother died five days before Christmas last year. This past Independence Day, I went to my brother’s home to pick up the remnants of my parents’ estate. I unpacked Dad’s footlocker from his Air Force days, which contained Mom’s afghans, his anniversary watch from...

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Prayer and Patience

Prayer and Patience

A message for the Solemnity of St. Gaspar del Bufalo from our Provincial Director Fr. Jeffrey Kirch, C.PP.S. A fellow Missionary of the Precious Blood reminded me last week that “We live in interesting times.” His statement is a version of the apocryphal Chinese...

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Weaving the Good News into our Lives

Weaving the Good News into our Lives

The feast day of our founder, St. Gaspar del Bufalo, is October 21st but will be celebrated at some of our C.PP.S. parishes and ministry sites on Sunday, October 20th. This reflection is about the readings for St. Gaspar’s feast day. By Fr. Jim Smith, C.PP.S.  ...

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How Can We “Pray Always?”

How Can We “Pray Always?”

Wherever in the world you are, you can have access to emergency services just by dialing a few numbers on your telephone. One dials 911 and gets immediately connected to emergency service. How often does our prayer take the form of dialing 911—praying when we face an...

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Beyond Gratitude to Thanksgiving

Beyond Gratitude to Thanksgiving

In the month of October, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops invites us to renew our call to “cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable, from the beginning of life to its end.” As Missionaries of the Precious Blood, this call is woven...

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People of Hope

People of Hope

The opening lines of today’s first reading are some of the most powerful words in Scripture. The desperation is clear in the words of the prophet Habakkuk, “How long, O LORD? I cry for help but you do not listen! I cry out to you, ‘Violence!’ but you do not...

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Reconfiguring Our Attitudes

Reconfiguring Our Attitudes

Before I joined the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, I worked for many years as a social service case manager. I worked with families and later the elderly to help them with housing, food and medical care. My clients were in a very poor part of the city and almost...

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Focus, Consistency and Commitment

Focus, Consistency and Commitment

Wait, what? Did Jesus really just say that? This is one of those Gospel’s that is difficult to understand. Jesus makes the central figure a dishonest steward. And then puts him forward as the one to be emulated. What are we to make of this? Clearly Jesus is not...

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Working for Perfection

Working for Perfection

99 out of 100, it is not perfect, but it is close to perfect, and by my standards it is good enough, and only one missing probably nothing to worry about. 9 out of 10, again it is not perfect, but again it is close to perfect, and by my standards it is good enough,...

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The Cross Always Stands Before Us

The Cross Always Stands Before Us

The Gospel today, as always, presents us with a challenge. The challenge begins in the first reading from Wisdom, “For who can learn the counsel of God? Or who can discern what the Lord wills?” (9:13) We have often heard it said that God’s ways are not our ways. We...

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Jesus is Enough for Me

Jesus is Enough for Me

Many times when I go to wedding receptions, I purposely stay by the bar and wait for the bride, groom, or parents of the bride and groom to approach me. They may see me and then invite me to sit by grandma at one of the head tables. For some reason, the priest always...

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Our Gate Versus God’s Gate

Our Gate Versus God’s Gate

In the Protestant church in which I grew up, I was taught that we had a hold on truth. How my church interpreted the Bible was correct, and all other churches were wrong. The pastor said had the final say on the truth that was in the Bible. I was a normal member of...

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Setting the World on Fire

Setting the World on Fire

Jeremiah has set things on fire with his words of admonishment again the king and his policies. When he tried to stop himself, his heart felt as if it was burning within him. He couldn’t help himself. He had to proclaim God’s message, no matter the consequences. The...

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Fear Not, Little Flock

Fear Not, Little Flock

Today’s Bible readings deal with the journey of life and preparedness. Faith in God certainly gives hope for a destiny to come. Yes, our outlook on life requires a strong faith in God and though it may not offer all the answers, it gives enough of them to enable us to...

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Less Is More. It Really Is

Less Is More. It Really Is

The three readings for this Sunday ask us to look at what we have. I do not mean to look inward at yourself and your talents/gifts. The three readings ask us to look at what we have as our material possessions and what real value we should put on them. In the first...

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Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Jesus was praying. He was a man of prayer. His disciples saw that, so they asked him to teach them to pray. Today we might make the same request. And what does he teach us? First of all, that God is our Father and wants to give us good gifts. He tells them to look at...

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Providing for Our Guests

Providing for Our Guests

An obvious theme in the first reading and Gospel is hospitality. During these summer months perhaps, we have had the opportunity to offer hospitality to guests or to be recipients of the hospitality of others. One of the traits that has often been associated with the...

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Missionaries of the Precious Blood