No Need to be Perfect

No Need to be Perfect

Greg Evers, C.PP.S., a candidate in advanced formation with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, recently completed an internship at Taller de José, an organization in Chicago that accompanies people and serves as a bridge to the social, medical and legal services...
Focus on the Relationship, Not the Mystery

Focus on the Relationship, Not the Mystery

By Fr. Matt Keller, C.PP.S. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Our God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three persons, yet one God. Holy Trinity is the name of one of the parishes in our pastoral region and they celebrate today’s solemnity...
Focus on the Relationship, Not the Mystery

Happy Birthday to the Church

By Fr. Tim McFarland, C.PP.S. Today is traditionally regarded as the birthday of the Church, when the Holy Spirit descended upon those gathered in the upper room. Today is also when some churches once again open doors for the public celebrations of the liturgy (albeit...
Living Among the Communion of Saints

Living Among the Communion of Saints

Fr. Ben Berinti, C.PP.S. The truth of the Communion of the Saints in these disorienting and disintegrating times of pandemic panic is becoming a more experiential, more tangible, more palpable doctrine than ever before. The Communion of Saints—a phrase that slips so...
Brother Joseph Mary Hrezo, C.PP.S., 1929-2020

Brother Joseph Mary Hrezo, C.PP.S., 1929-2020

Brother Joseph Mary Hrezo, C.PP.S. March 16, 1929–March 16, 2020 Brother Joseph Mary Hrezo, C.PP.S., died at 12:10 p.m. on his 91st birthday, Monday, March 16, 2020, in the infirmary at St. Charles Center, Carthagena, Ohio, where he made his home. He had been in...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood