Many Long and Fruitful Years of Ministry

Jerome Stack, C.PP.S. “This is a great book!” That’s one of the memories of (then Father) George Lubeley that I recall from my seminary days. He taught a course on Revelation and would frequently pull a book from his briefcase with that phrase. Books were a prominent...

A Time of Abundance, A Time of Scarcity

Jerome Stack, C.PP.S. A native of Coldwater, Ohio, Fr. Ignatius Wagner, C.PP.S., was a bright and energetic man who earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from Catholic University in 1912, the first member of the Congregation in the United States to receive such graduate...
Our God is With Us

Our God is With Us

An Easter message from our provincial director, Fr. Jeffrey Kirch, C.PP.S. One of the things I miss about being a little kid is unalloyed feelings. For adults, our emotions are often mixed and therefore complicated. On Easter, we try to imagine what the disciples were...
Brother Finds Windows into Indigenous Faith

Brother Finds Windows into Indigenous Faith

When Br. Antonio Sison, C.PP.S., took part in the Procession of the Black Nazarene in the Philippines, he was transported, and not just by his feet. He’d seen the famous annual procession on television, but never was part of it before he traveled to Manila in 2018...


By Fr. Dennis Chriszt, C.PP.S. In the opening Gospel at the beginning of Mass today, the crowds cry out, “Hosanna!” In the reading of the Passion, they cry out “Crucify him!” The disciples join with the crowds on Palm Sunday as he arrives in Jerusalem. At the Last...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood