Fr. Al Spilly, C.PP.S. In a fast-changing, confusing, chaotic world, it is easy for us to get lost in the dark forest without finding a path that leads to light, stability and peace. Pope Paul VI wrote: “If you want peace, work for justice.” As disciples of the risen...
Fr. Al Spilly, C.PP.S. Although we sign ourselves with the sign of the cross every day, it may remain disconnected from our experience. God the Father is a gentle, loving shepherd. We experience this early in our lives when older people show us mercy, compassion,...
By Al Spilly, C.PP.S. When Jesus calls disciples and sends them on mission, he requires certain things of them. Naturally, he does not assume that they will be abusers or victimizers. Rather, from time to time they will be the victims of others’ curses and other...
There are reflective moments in our lives when we realize that we are looking for something more, that our hearts seem empty, that we yearn for a deeper meaning in our lives. Today’s readings remind us that God alone can satisfy the deepest hungers of our heart. The...