Prayer and Patience

Prayer and Patience

A message for the Solemnity of St. Gaspar del Bufalo from our Provincial Director Fr. Jeffrey Kirch, C.PP.S. A fellow Missionary of the Precious Blood reminded me last week that “We live in interesting times.” His statement is a version of the apocryphal Chinese...
Weaving the Good News into our Lives

Weaving the Good News into our Lives

The feast day of our founder, St. Gaspar del Bufalo, is October 21st but will be celebrated at some of our C.PP.S. parishes and ministry sites on Sunday, October 20th. This reflection is about the readings for St. Gaspar’s feast day. By Fr. Jim Smith, C.PP.S.  ...
People of Hope

People of Hope

The opening lines of today’s first reading are some of the most powerful words in Scripture. The desperation is clear in the words of the prophet Habakkuk, “How long, O LORD? I cry for help but you do not listen! I cry out to you, ‘Violence!’ but you do not...
To Set the Earth on Fire

To Set the Earth on Fire

St. Gaspar called each of us to be “a furnace of charity.” We shouldn’t be afraid to go beyond what we think we are capable of doing, for in God all things are possible. By Fr. Denny Kinderman, C.PP.S. St. Paul prayed to the Father that the Ephesians (and ourselves)...
Time was Different for St. Gaspar

Time was Different for St. Gaspar

Jerome Stack, C.PP.S Today we take for granted our system of timekeeping. It seems so easy, so intuitive. We should not forget that other systems of marking the hours of the day have existed throughout history. One of those systems was found until recently in the old...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood