Brother Faithfully Tends Flock

Brother Faithfully Tends Flock

He talks to his birds as he moves up and down the center aisle of the chicken house at St. Charles Center. “Settle down,” he’ll say to one little flock, “I’m coming, I’m coming,” to another. “Oh, you’re showing off,” to a rooster standing as tall and proud as a...

Fr. Brunner Peace and Justice Grants

Applications are now available for the 2022–23 Fr. Brunner Peace and Justice Grants, to be awarded by the Cincinnati Province of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. Grants will be awarded in amounts up to $5,000 and must have a C.PP.S. sponsor. The application...
Presiding Takes Practice

Presiding Takes Practice

From the view from the pew, a Mass is supposed to flow. Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, from procession to recession, it should be a seamless garment. But it unfolds that way usually only with planning and practice. And when there’s a new guy on the...
PBSI Names Executive Director

PBSI Names Executive Director

The Precious Blood Spirituality Institute (PBSI) has announced the hiring of its first Executive Director, Vicky Otto. Vicky is currently the Director of Companions (lay associates) for the Cincinnati and Kansas City Provinces of the Missionaries of the Precious...
Rescued and Redeemed

Rescued and Redeemed

An Easter message from our provincial director, Fr. Jeffrey Kirch, C.PP.S. What a mighty battle has been fought while we were sleeping. Jesus passed through the gates of death on behalf of all of us and together with St. Paul we ask, “Where, O death, is your victory?...
What Did Jesus Write?

What Did Jesus Write?

By Fr. Tim McFarland, C.PP.S. The Gospel for this Sunday has always captured my imagination. Two points stand out in my mind. One, I always wondered where the man who committed adultery was. Second, what did Jesus scribble in the dirt? If this woman was caught in the...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood