The Lord Has Done Great Things for Us!

The Lord Has Done Great Things for Us!

By Fr. Dennis Chriszt, C.PP.S. Today’s readings call us to rejoice. While we wait for the coming of the Lord, we rejoice that Christ is already in our midst. While we prepare for the celebration of Christmas, we rejoice that our salvation has already come.   The...
Imperfectly Perfectly Holy

Imperfectly Perfectly Holy

By Fr. Tim Knepper, C.PP.S. Several years ago, I had a conversation with someone who was struggling with his faith. He said, “With the Holy Family, you have a Virgin Mother conceived without sin, a child being literally the Son of God, and a foster father who accepts...
Reflecting the Light

Reflecting the Light

By Fr. Angelo Anthony, C.PP.S. On this Gaudete or Rejoice Sunday, we hear from John the Baptist, a very important figure in our Advent journey. The Gospel begins, “There was a man sent by God to give testimony to the Light” (John 1:6). John the Baptist is an important...
Watch for God in New Ways

Watch for God in New Ways

By Fr. Tim McFarland, C.PP.S. We have many ways of marking time. There is the calendar year, the fiscal year and the academic year. If this isn’t enough, this Sunday, we begin a new Church liturgical year. Like the other “new years” we observe, this new liturgical...
The Waters that Drown Us, Save Us

The Waters that Drown Us, Save Us

A few years ago, in my continued quest to fill book shelves (and my Kindle) with books I want to read but won’t get to, I stumbled across another great bargain of a book for 99 cents that came with a twist)–a music album to download to accompany the book, which...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood