Loss of Little Brothers Shaped Him

Loss of Little Brothers Shaped Him

St. Joseph’s story, what we know of it, is defined by babies. There’s the startling pregnancy of his betrothed, Mary, that he had to reconcile in his own heart, with the help of an angel. Then there was the miraculous birth of the Christ-child, of which he had to...
Loss of Little Brothers Shaped Him

When the Presence is Real

Fr. Joseph Evinger authors the “Questions I was Afraid to Ask” column for the Diocese of Bismarck. This article, which was published on March 3, is reprinted with the diocese’s permission. By Fr. Joseph Evinger Fr. Joseph Hajduch, C.PP.S., who served at St....

Fr. Drees Placed High Value on Education

David Hoying, C.PP.S. Fr. Henry Joseph Drees has the distinction of serving the most years as provincial director, serving, either by election or appointment, for 18 years. A native of Oldenburg, Germany, and a blacksmith by trade, Drees came to the Community at the...
New Book Explores St. Gaspar’s Missions

New Book Explores St. Gaspar’s Missions

The ministry of preaching missions was central to our founder, St. Gaspar del Bufalo, and his earliest companions. A new C.PP.S. resource book explores the methods that St. Gaspar used when he came to town to reinvigorate the faith of the people of God. C.PP.S....
Time to Retreat

Time to Retreat

By Brother Brian Boyle, C.PP.S. The characters in the readings share at least one thing in common: they are confronting loss and fear.  Noah and his family are floating in his ark reflecting on losing everyone in his whole community, and rebuilding his life from the...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood