The Legacy of the Precious Blood

Fr. Yuri Kuzara, C.PP.S., led the members’ retreat for the Cincinnati Province on January 14–17 at St. Charles Center in Carthagena, Ohio. He reminded retreatants that the charism of their Congregation is as vital and urgent now as it ever has been. “The Precious...
Do You Have a Reservation?

Do You Have a Reservation?

By Fr. Jim Dugal, C.PP.S. How many times have you gone into a restaurant and been asked, “Do you have a reservation?” And then the one in charge looks into her book. That is what this 33rd Sunday in Ordinary time is about, only this time the question is, “Is...
Bonded in the Precious Blood

Bonded in the Precious Blood

Solemnity of Saint Gaspar By the V. Rev. Jeffrey Kirch, C.PP.S. One of the joys of living in Rome was exploring the hundreds of churches in the city. Some are gigantic architectural wonders like Saint Peter’s and others are smaller, less ornate, and less well known....
A Reflection for St. Gaspar’s Feast Day

A Reflection for St. Gaspar’s Feast Day

Like many of you each morning at the end of Morning Prayer, I read a bit of St. Gaspar’s wisdom from the “Our Daily Companion” calendar. Contained in the pages of the calendar are a treasure trove of sayings from our founder. One of my favorite quotations is, “Unlike...
Missionary of Mercy Talks About Ministry

Missionary of Mercy Talks About Ministry

When the Jubilee Year of Mercy was first announced, what was your reaction? I was thrilled. My first thoughts were: • They shall look upon him whom they have pierced through and from his side came forth blood and water. • The Precious Blood of Christ is the stream of...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood