Preaching Was Fr. Hennebery’s Gift

Dominic Gerlach, C.PP.S. Fr. Patrick Hennebery, C.PP.S., born in Ireland 1830, was part of the great potato famine exodus to the United States. He entered the Congregation (from Wisconsin) in 1848 and was ordained 1853. It is surprising that he would come to a German...

Fr. Siebeneck Was a True Scripture Scholar

Harry Brown, C.PP.S. Fr. Robert “Bob” Siebeneck was a Putnam County boy, born in Kalida, Ohio, on February 28, 1919. He was ordained December 10, 1944 and died on September 15, 1999. He started out in a deeply religious community at St. Michael Church in Kalida,...

Bishop Dwenger Promoted Catholic Education

Jerome Stack, C.PP.S. A cholera epidemic ravaged northwest Ohio in 1849, and among the victims was a widow in Minster, Ohio, who as she lay dying of the disease, entrusted her 12-year-old son to Fr. Andrew Kunkler, C.PP.S. The boy was raised by the Missionaries of the...

Many Long and Fruitful Years of Ministry

Jerome Stack, C.PP.S. “This is a great book!” That’s one of the memories of (then Father) George Lubeley that I recall from my seminary days. He taught a course on Revelation and would frequently pull a book from his briefcase with that phrase. Books were a prominent...

A Time of Abundance, A Time of Scarcity

Jerome Stack, C.PP.S. A native of Coldwater, Ohio, Fr. Ignatius Wagner, C.PP.S., was a bright and energetic man who earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from Catholic University in 1912, the first member of the Congregation in the United States to receive such graduate...

To Fr. Russ, Ecology Was a Moral Issue

Mark Miller, C.PP.S. Everyone has heard of and perhaps has prayed the “Canticle of the Sun,” by Francis of Assisi. In this canticle, Francis sees all of life as a brother or sister and thereby experiences a special relationship with all of life, regardless of whether...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood