“Are You a Missionary?”

“Are You a Missionary?”

Sometimes you can have a vocation within a vocation. Or discover something deeper about your vocation that you didn’t realize was there. That’s what happened to Brother Joe Fisher, C.PP.S., who has been a religious brother for over 40 years, many of those as the...
Jubilarians Honored

Jubilarians Honored

“St. Gaspar is a great role model for us in the way that he responded to the needs of the Church and the signs of the times,” said Fr. Tom Brenberger, C.PP.S., who presided at a Mass on the Solemnity of St. Gaspar, October 21 at St. Charles Center in Carthagena, Ohio....
It’s Simple: Love God, Love Your Neighbor

It’s Simple: Love God, Love Your Neighbor

By Bill Nordenbrock, C.PP.S. I imagine that all of us are familiar with the acronym KISS, keep it simple, stupid. Maybe you have used the expression or been a part of process when someone reminds us of the beauty of the simple and uncomplicated. I don’t know the...
Grateful for Gaspar’s Vision

Grateful for Gaspar’s Vision

Solemnity of Saint Gaspar By the V. Rev. Jeffrey Kirch, C.PP.S. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Gaspar del Bufalo, who founded of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood in the small town of Giano, Italy, in 1815. At that time, Europe was in turmoil. The...
Fr. Philip Gilbert, C.PP.S. 1930-2020

Fr. Philip Gilbert, C.PP.S. 1930-2020

Fr. Philip Gilbert, C.PP.S., 90, died at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 15, 2020 in the infirmary at St. Charles Center in Carthagena, Ohio. He had been in failing health. Fr. Gilbert was born on February 17, 1930, in Chicago, to Philip and Elizabeth (Buffa) Gilbert....
Missionaries of the Precious Blood