The Gospel today, as always, presents us with a challenge. The challenge begins in the first reading from Wisdom, “For who can learn the counsel of God? Or who can discern what the Lord wills?” (9:13) We have often heard it said that God’s ways are not our ways. We...
By Fr. Tim McFarland, C.PP.S. Many of our “mature” readers may recall carrying photos of loved ones in our wallets or purses. These have become obsolete. Now we carry lots of photos on our phones. These photos remind us of cherished memories, of loved ones and...
Our North American culture, particularly in the United States, prides itself on the “self-made” individual. Phrases such as, “I’ve got to do it my way,” “I don’t really care what others think, I have to be me,” are often heard in conversations. Posts on various social...
Fr. Tim McFarland, C.PP.S., received the Religio Award during commencement ceremonies at Saint Joseph’s College over the weekend. May God bless you for all your efforts on behalf of SJC students, Fr. Tim!