Loss of Little Brothers Shaped Him

Loss of Little Brothers Shaped Him

St. Joseph’s story, what we know of it, is defined by babies. There’s the startling pregnancy of his betrothed, Mary, that he had to reconcile in his own heart, with the help of an angel. Then there was the miraculous birth of the Christ-child, of which he had to...
Loss of Little Brothers Shaped Him

When the Presence is Real

Fr. Joseph Evinger authors the “Questions I was Afraid to Ask” column for the Diocese of Bismarck. This article, which was published on March 3, is reprinted with the diocese’s permission. By Fr. Joseph Evinger Fr. Joseph Hajduch, C.PP.S., who served at St....

Fr. Drees Placed High Value on Education

David Hoying, C.PP.S. Fr. Henry Joseph Drees has the distinction of serving the most years as provincial director, serving, either by election or appointment, for 18 years. A native of Oldenburg, Germany, and a blacksmith by trade, Drees came to the Community at the...

Practical, Joyful Companion a “Go-To Guy”

Jean Giesige, Companion Larry Jenkins was the kind of guy who, if you were sitting next to him in chapel at a Community event, could exude an aura of total absorption and worshipful attention that indicated he was deep in conversation with his Creator. Then the minute...

John Doherty Did All He Could, and More

Maureen Lahiff, Companion I can’t see anyone passing up a chance to help someone else if they need it. I never feel anything is an obligation; it’s a great opportunity. More damage is done by good people who do nothing than by bad people doing nasty things. If you...

Fr. Kramer Freely Shared his Riches

Thomas Gustin, Amicus “If he’s so smart, how come he’s not rich?” This tagline in a large bold font covering the lower half of a full-page advertisement asked a very important question. It included a wonderful picture of Fr. William J. Kramer, C.PP.S, L.Sc.N., Sc.D....
Missionaries of the Precious Blood