The Kingdom of God is a Joyful Place

Antonio Baus, C.PP.S. Fr. Larry Eiting, C.PP.S., was born in Minster, Ohio, on January 12, 1941, one of five children. He began his studies with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood at Brunnerdale High School Seminary and continued at Saint Joseph’s College and St....

A Time of Abundance, A Time of Scarcity

Jerome Stack, C.PP.S. A native of Coldwater, Ohio, Fr. Ignatius Wagner, C.PP.S., was a bright and energetic man who earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from Catholic University in 1912, the first member of the Congregation in the United States to receive such graduate...

Outstanding in his Ministry to the C.PP.S.

Harold Brown, C.PP.S. What a remarkable man! What a remarkable life! Born in Victoria, Kan., in 1909, Fr. Herbert Linenberger, C.PP.S., was truly a family man, so say his immediate relatives. Most people might not know that he loved music and played the harmonica and...

A Deep Love of the Word of God

Robert Schreiter, C.PP.S. In the more congenial atmosphere in which the Bible can be studied and appreciated today, it is easy to forget there once was a time when such serious study could not be undertaken so easily. Fr. Edward Siegman, C.PP.S., was one of the...

Preaching Was Fr. Hennebery’s Gift

Dominic Gerlach, C.PP.S. Fr. Patrick Hennebery, C.PP.S., born in Ireland 1830, was part of the great potato famine exodus to the United States. He entered the Congregation (from Wisconsin) in 1848 and was ordained 1853. It is surprising that he would come to a German...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood