Name: Timothy Armbruster
Born: Goodland, Kansas
Joined the Missionaries: I grew up in a Precious Blood Parish, began formation Fall 1991, Def Incorporation October 27, 2000.
What drew you to the Missionaries of the Precious Blood? I grew up in a Precious Blood Parish in WaKeeney, Kansas. At that time, Steve Parks was ordained and in preparation for the ordination, various members would come to WaKeeney for visits and choir practice. Over the year, I got to know the members and recognize something special they shared, but at that time didn’t know the bond they shared. I just came to know they liked being around each other, and although it would be weeks or month between visits, it seemed as if they picked up the conversation right where they left off and I wanted to be a part of that.
What is your current assignment? Currently, I am pastor of both St. Mary’s in Centerville, IA as well as St. Patrick’s in Melrose. I also serve on our Provincial Council.
What is the most challenging aspect of your assignment? I became pastor this past July 1 and so I’m still settling in, getting to know names and faces and working with the parishioners to build upon what is already here.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your assignment? Being with the people and sharing my story, the story of the community and hearing their stories. The faith community here has been very warm and welcoming. As any other parish, they are wanting to grow in faith, just in need of finding the right path to open that up and explore.
What did you do before joining the Missionaries? I entered into formation when I was a junior in college. I grew up on the family farm in Western Kansas. Part of me still wishes I was on the farm. The farm that was there 30 years ago with all the family members, not the farm with all the empty buildings today. I also graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Programming. I often joke, “I have an undergraduate degree in computers, figuring if this priesthood thing didn’t work out, I would have something to fall back on. Little did I know that one day I would be doing as much computer work as I do ministry.” So all my past experiences come into play today.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I love to travel, go out to plays and movies, go out to dinner with family and friends. I enjoy being outdoors and getting the chance to get my hands and feet in the mud. I enjoy gardening and planting flowers and taking care of the yard. I enjoy being creative and crafty. I enjoy woodworking, stained glass, woodburning, and some painting. I enjoy card making and scrapbooking. I enjoy sewing and quilting. And, I still enjoy doing some computer programming as well. Oh, and I can’t forget my clowning and clown ministry.
Aside from St. Gaspar, what are some of your favorite Saints? Oh, my favorite two saints are probably not found in any saints book. St. Connie and St. Ulaua. St. Connie is patron saint of left hand turns and St. Ulaua is patron saint of finding a parking spot. Both saints that have helped me navigate traffic. Some might say superstitious, but if keeps me calm, cool and collected when I’m still in traffic and reminds me to pray for someone else, then so be it.
What is your favorite prayer? My favorite prayer isn’t any memorized prayers, but just having a conversation with God. My favorite prayer is finding God in nature.
What is your favorite book? Grapes of Wrath
Food: I haven’t found a food I don’t like, generally anything BBQ’ed or anything with fresh fruit.
Movie: The Lion King
Holiday: Any and all, whichever one gives me a good excuse to get away and be with family.
TV Show: Americas Got Talent, or anything that keeps my attention.
How much could you earn on Jeopardy? Depends if I’m on the show or sitting at home watching it. I’ve racked up a great bank sitting at home answering a few of the categories.
Would you rather go skydiving or snorkeling? I’ve been snorkeling and when I flipped forward off the boat head first into the water and then jumped out of the water and landed on the boat next to the captain, I’m not about to try that again. I would rather give skydiving a try.