General Council Elected

General Council Elected

Elected to serve with Father Emanuele Lupi were Fr. Angelo Anthony, C.PP.S., a member of the Cincinnati Province, as vice moderator general; Father Augusto Menichelli, C.PP.S., of the Atlantic Province, first councilor; Br. Juan Acuña, C.PP.S., of the Cincinnati...
Vocation Ministry is for Everyone

Vocation Ministry is for Everyone

Every Missionary of the Precious Blood, every Companion, every parishioner, and every member of the Body of Christ needs to do his or her part to raise up vocations. I often talk about how we need to pray for vocations, and how we need to invite and encourage. We also...
A Tribute to Fr. Len Kostka, C.PP.S.

A Tribute to Fr. Len Kostka, C.PP.S.

(Editor’s note: Saint Joseph’s College Alumnus Michael Collins wrote this remembrance of the premier Puma, Fr. Len Kostka, C.PP.S. Fr. Kostka, who served at the college for 65 years, died in December at the age of 104. As  the college looks to find new ways to...
The Cross Always Stands Before Us

The Cross Always Stands Before Us

The Gospel today, as always, presents us with a challenge. The challenge begins in the first reading from Wisdom, “For who can learn the counsel of God? Or who can discern what the Lord wills?” (9:13) We have often heard it said that God’s ways are not our ways. We...
The Cross Always Stands Before Us

Jesus is Enough for Me

Many times when I go to wedding receptions, I purposely stay by the bar and wait for the bride, groom, or parents of the bride and groom to approach me. They may see me and then invite me to sit by grandma at one of the head tables. For some reason, the priest always...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood