Providing for Our Guests

Providing for Our Guests

An obvious theme in the first reading and Gospel is hospitality. During these summer months perhaps, we have had the opportunity to offer hospitality to guests or to be recipients of the hospitality of others. One of the traits that has often been associated with the...
Which of These Three Was Neighbor?

Which of These Three Was Neighbor?

It is so easy for us to gloss over this phrase at the end of the story, but it is one that requires we stop and pay attention.  The scholar could have simply said “the Samaritan” but he so hated Samaritans, that he couldn’t even bring himself to say the word. We all...
Merlini Documents Going to Rome

Merlini Documents Going to Rome

On Monday, Missionaries of the Precious Blood will travel to Naples, where documents pertaining to the possible beatification of the Venerable John Merlini, C.PP.S., will be passed on to Sr. Nicla Spezzati, ASC, the postulator of his cause. The tribunal in Naples has...
Providing for Our Guests

Peace in the Midst of the World

Recently I went on a week-long retreat to a Benedictine monastery. My goal for the week was simple—peace. Peace from work, from obligations, from noise, from news, from traffic, from the internet. Peace for time with God, time to listen to the yearnings of my soul,...
Fr. Frederick Lang to Mark 65th Anniversary

Fr. Frederick Lang to Mark 65th Anniversary

Congratulations to Fr. Frederick Lang, C.PP.S., who this year is celebrating the 65th anniversary of his ordination. A native of Randolph, Ohio, Fr. Lang was ordained in May of 1954. After his ordination, he served as supply help at St. Charles Seminary before being...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood