Weaving the Good News into our Lives

Weaving the Good News into our Lives

The feast day of our founder, St. Gaspar del Bufalo, is October 21st but will be celebrated at some of our C.PP.S. parishes and ministry sites on Sunday, October 20th. This reflection is about the readings for St. Gaspar’s feast day. By Fr. Jim Smith, C.PP.S.  ...
How Can We “Pray Always?”

How Can We “Pray Always?”

Wherever in the world you are, you can have access to emergency services just by dialing a few numbers on your telephone. One dials 911 and gets immediately connected to emergency service. How often does our prayer take the form of dialing 911—praying when we face an...
How Can We “Pray Always?”

Beyond Gratitude to Thanksgiving

In the month of October, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops invites us to renew our call to “cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable, from the beginning of life to its end.” As Missionaries of the Precious Blood, this call is woven...
Reconfiguring Our Attitudes

Reconfiguring Our Attitudes

Before I joined the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, I worked for many years as a social service case manager. I worked with families and later the elderly to help them with housing, food and medical care. My clients were in a very poor part of the city and almost...
Focus, Consistency and Commitment

Focus, Consistency and Commitment

Wait, what? Did Jesus really just say that? This is one of those Gospel’s that is difficult to understand. Jesus makes the central figure a dishonest steward. And then puts him forward as the one to be emulated. What are we to make of this? Clearly Jesus is not...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood