Care of the Earth at Shrine

Care of the Earth at Shrine

Fr. Scott Kramer, C.PP.S., is the director of the Missionaries’ Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Bellevue, Ohio. In this article he talks about the shrine grounds, which contribute so much to its peaceful atmosphere. Fr. Scott Kramer, C.PP.S. Our main ministry at the...
A Regular Saint for Regular People

A Regular Saint for Regular People

Venerable John Merlini (1795–1873), the third moderator general of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, has taken one step closer to canonization as the Archdiocese of Naples, Italy, investigates a possible miracle that was performed through his intercession....
Our Transformation is God’s Doing

Our Transformation is God’s Doing

By Fr. Jim Smith, C.PP.S. This feast of the Ascension centers, at least in our imagination I would expect, largely on where Jesus goes as he is parted from them. There are wonderful paintings and stained glass windows attempting to depict it, but none of the classical...
Living into the Vision

Living into the Vision

By Fr. Matt Keller, C.PP.S.  Are we are who we say we are? Or do the actions of our lives reflect something different about who we really are? I do and I do not like these questions. What I do not like about these questions is the wording. There is just something...
Living into the Vision

What’s New?

By Fr. Jim Dugal, C.PP.S. What’s new? Most of us have been asked that question upon meeting someone. How have you answered? I find myself saying, “not much,” or “nothing.” You parents have probably heard this when you asked your teen,...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood