Trust Leads to Love

Trust Leads to Love

By Fr. Tim Knepper, C.PP.S. In the Knepper household, when I was growing up, the radio would usually be tuned to adult contemporary or “pop” radio. Often my mom would listen to the Carpenters. One of her favorite songs was “I Need to be in Love.” Mom would tell me to...
The Shortest Homily

The Shortest Homily

By Fr. Al Naseman, C.PP.S.  “Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart find favor before you, O Lord, my rock and redeemer.” This last lines of today’s responsorial psalm I make my prayer as I begin this reflection. The liturgy today details two...

The Legacy of the Precious Blood

Fr. Yuri Kuzara, C.PP.S., led the members’ retreat for the Cincinnati Province on January 14–17 at St. Charles Center in Carthagena, Ohio. He reminded retreatants that the charism of their Congregation is as vital and urgent now as it ever has been. “The Precious...
Missionary Ordained in Peru

Missionary Ordained in Peru

Fredy Campos, C.PP.S., was ordained a priest on January 12 at Our Lady of the Light Parish in Santaluzmilla Lima, Peru. Fr. Campos, a native of Peru, has been with the C.PP.S. for many years. He lived most of his early years in La Oroya, Peru, where Missionaries...
The Shortest Homily

The Beginning of Belief

By Br. Matt Schaefer, C.PP.S. “…And his disciples began to believe him.”  A simple statement at the end of a straightforward and familiar story. But this nascent belief, as unsteady as a toddler’s first steps, started a movement. It was enough...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood