The Kingdom is Already Here

The Kingdom is Already Here

(December 3 is the Feast of St. Francis Xavier, who is the patron of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. Fr. Alphonse Spilly, C.PP.S., offers this reflection on today’s readings.) By Fr. Alphonse Spilly, C.PP.S. We live in a time of great crisis. The chaos,...
Brother Vocation Rooted in Community

Brother Vocation Rooted in Community

It’s National Vocation Awareness Week, and we’re sharing vocation stories from our members. Brother Ben Basile, C.PP.S., who this year celebrated the 50th anniversary of his profession as a religious brother, has the following wisdom to offer young people who are...
From Air Force Chaplain to Parish Priest

From Air Force Chaplain to Parish Priest

The following is reprinted with the permission of The Catholic Telegraph, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. By Susie Bergman The Catholic Telegraph Father Eugene “Gene” Schnipke had only been ordained for a few short years, but it seemed everyone knew he...
Brother Nick Renner Receives Award

Brother Nick Renner Receives Award

Brother Nick Renner, C.PP.S., has received the Spirit of Sr. Dorothy Stang Award from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for a lifetime of ministry in serving the poor and protecting the Earth—ministry that he continues to carry out every day. The award was presented...
“Who Is Your Favorite?”

“Who Is Your Favorite?”

My mother died five days before Christmas last year. This past Independence Day, I went to my brother’s home to pick up the remnants of my parents’ estate. I unpacked Dad’s footlocker from his Air Force days, which contained Mom’s afghans, his anniversary watch from...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood